Thank you for stopping by! My name is Gregory Hoaja, and this is a little place for sharing my travels, experiences, my love for languages, and hey…why not some inline skating?
It would be impossible to ever forget the super people and great times that I have shared throughout my travels, work, and experiences in this world. One day a man from another planet, Gregory Hoaja, landed on the “other side of the Earth”…and he just never left. My language skills are always improving, so I’m sure that soon, I will be overhearing this sentence at some point and will actually be comprehending the meaning. More than likely this has already been said on more than one occasion.
My friends and colleagues in Kyiv come from a few different areas of life. The wonderful students and teachers, with whom I have irreplaceable relationships, are absolutely amazing. I always know that I am receiving more than I could ever be giving. During the hours when I am not working with my colleagues, I can be found ripping it up somewhere on my inline skates. And by ripping it up, yes I do mean spinning uncontrollably a half dozen times before face planting onto the asphalt. Good times!
Inline skating is also where I have met some of the coolest people on Earth. I have made friends around each neighborhood where I have lived in Kyiv…from skaters to cashiers, taxi drivers to restaurant workers. All of them strive for success, and work very hard. Due to the fact I’m a novice vlogger, you may find my rolling vlog filmed mostly in Ukraine on my Youtube channel. It is called Gregory Hoaja Inline Skater. Here is a link! http://Gregory Hoaja Inline Skating Channel! 🙂